Market with a Mission to Grow Your Business

It’s that time of year where businesses start taking time to build their business plans for the next year! As you dive into looking at your data and select what activities will drive your business, you should also be reflecting on your mission and your ideal client. To help get your creative juices flowing in…

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Squash the Virtual Presenting Nerves for Good!

You know that feeling before you hop on screen to present, where the excitement is running through your veins, or perhaps that’s fear for some, and you are desperately trying to tell yourself it will be ok? What if I told you there is an easy way to squash those nerves. Something so simple that…

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How to Leave a Job Gracefully

Recently, I had a friend call me because he wanted to quit his union job. The lack of support from his superiors plus the challenges he faced to get his work done had hit an all time limit. He was fed up and felt disrespected along with not being heard. He called me with intense…

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Are You Still Passionate About Your Life?

Time changes us. It changes our experiences, which change how we view the world and what matters to us. What you were passionate about five years ago, maybe even one year ago, may not be what drives you today. Recently, I made a tremendous shift in my future as a writer. It felt like a…

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Unexpected Gifts For Children

My first bra was a hand-me-down from my neighbors in the canyon where I grew up. (Sorry male co-workers, TMI.)  Yet despite what you might be thinking,  I know I have been blessed. We were not rich (as you likely guessed above), we didn’t have new things often, we didn’t live in huge houses. Often…

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Lessons from an Uber Driver

I climbed into the Uber ready for my Chicago adventure to the blues bar Buddy Guys. My boss and my friend Stacy climbed into the back waiting for the driver to check our destination on his phone. As we ventured towards our event I noticed that our driver had a beautiful accent. I asked him…

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The Critical Thing Our Society Has Lost

As I read through the feedback from a recent webinar, one comment caught my eye: “Her voice was annoying.” Before the webinar, I told my client that she should speak in a little bit deeper voice. According to research a deeper voice instills more trust with men. My client spoke with a calm practiced tone that wasn’t…

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How a Flash Mob Helped Me Breathe

I stepped onto stage four weeks after she shot herself. It does take a village and the strength of every inner ounce of passion you have to overcome grief that shocks your insides more than life. A year and a half ago my niece committed suicide by shooting herself. Which we were told is rare…

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