Speaker Certified
The Theatre of Public Speaking (ToP Speaking) Program is a 6-week intensive program for high achieving leaders to unlock their key presentation go-to topics, tap into their unique creativity, and develop outstanding delivery techniques in order to drive impact for their audiences.
There are two certifications a speaker can earn in the program:

ToP Speaker Completion Certification:
Certifies the candidate has completed 100% of the course content, learning secrets from the world of education, acting techniques, audience engagement strategies, and the technical aspects for live and video delivery. This certification also demonstrates they have learned the content through tests, quizzes, and group sessions.

Board Certified ToP Speaker Certificate:
Certifies the candidate has not only excelled at completing the on-demand and live training but have passed a rigorous presentation test in front of some of the world’s top Keynote Speakers and speaker agents. The certificate review board has an intense rubric for the candidates to meet and exceed expectations in order to be awarded this certificate. The standards are high, and this is all about implementation of what the candidates have learned to demonstrate they can deliver a presentation from the boardroom to the keynote stage.