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3 Ways To Crush Your Anticipatory Anxiety

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Public speaking is the #1 fear in the entire world. Above DEATH! (Yup, you read that right.)
That means if you are sharing your voice, you are conquering the one thing a majority of the 8 billion of us are most afraid of! How brave of you ❤️
Anxiety is normal and can even help us be productive; however, if you find yourself getting anticipatory anxiety weeks in advance, you may be crippling your own productivity while also affecting your health.
This preemptive nervousness can also be a sign of severe anxiety, which can prompt trouble sleeping, headaches, chronic pain, and depression. So let’s chat about ways to prevent this anxiety build up!
The first step is to answer “What If?”
Avoiding your fearful thoughts gives them power. The solution? Confront them head on. Realistically answer all the possible “what if” scenarios and explore how it would feel to be in each possible scenario. Brainstorm how you might tackle each situation.
Next, focus on what you can control
Intense anxiety can feel paralyzing, preventing you from thinking clearly as your brain searches for ways it can predict and control the future. Focusing on what you can control in the present is the key to trying to ground your thoughts. Your actions today, tomorrow, or this week will affect the future you. Focus on what you can take care of now.
Finally, look for evidence
It is easy, and human nature, to assume our thoughts are true. While they shape our realities, they may not always reflect reality. Look to see if there is any evidence to support your anxious thoughts.
You’ll find this is harder than you think – it is very difficult to find evidence around our assumptions of the future. The best part? It hasn’t happened yet, meaning you can change those assumptions.
Oddly, for most of us, we have built habits of worry and anxiety. Part of breaking that pattern is shifting into positive habits.
Brene Brown likes to ask these questions to jumpstart that process:
- Is this worrying helping or hurting?
- Do I have enough data to freak out? And if I do have enough data to freak out, will that be helpful to me?
As you initiate the process of rewiring those anxious thoughts, remind yourself – confronting your anxiety, alone is an act of courage. Speaking up and owning your message, alone is an act of bravery.
Darling, you are already daring just by being you! And what a beautiful thing to be.
Much Love,

Hi, I'm Misty Megia!
I’m a Creative Director for high-achieving leaders who want to unmute themselves to give presentations that move people profoundly through my Corporate Speaking Program and my Theatre of Public Speaking Program.
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Corporate Speaking Program
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Theatre of Public Speaking Program
Take my 6-week on-demand course with live group coaching to deliver big messages that motivate and inspire.