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Why Aren’t More Women on the Mic at Conferences?

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We’ve all heard it… Public Speaking is the #1 fear in the world. While this is absolutely true, there’s more to the story for women.

At the turn of the century, a study published by the National Library of Medicine revealed that “Women reported significantly greater fear than men while talking to authority, acting/performing/giving a talk in front of an audience, working while being observed, entering a room when others are already seated, being the center of attention, speaking up at a meeting, expressing disagreement or disapproval to people they do not know very well, giving a report to a group, and giving a party.”

Even more, “Women reported significantly greater anxiety about Public Speaking, speaking in front of a small group of familiar people, speaking to strangers or meeting new people, and dealing with people in authority.”

A lot of this points to heightened social pressures on women, women balancing multiple social roles while balancing their professional roles, and on the greater prevalence of mental health struggles among women rather than men. This is a nuanced topic though. Perhaps other reasons come to mind for you.

You may think, “Well, this was 20 years ago. A lot has changed.” While a lot has changed, we still have more progress to drive… According to a Forbes survey of Event Managers, “when asked to speak at conferences and events, women say no almost 50% of the time. Men say yes approximately 90% of the time.” I was shocked at the disparity! And it only highlights the importance of not only nourishing our confidence as women but also getting the right support system to do so.

Public Speaking growth blends from professional to personal as it links to our sense of self and our deeper desires and fears. That’s why it’s important to learn this craft in order to build your core confidence and to do so in a space where the coaches truly understand you – your psychology, your needs.

We love fostering this environment for all of our clients to expand their potential – a safe space for women in our Spring and Autumn Cohorts; a safe space for teams when they hire us collectively for support; a safe space for our individual clients to explore the heights speaking can take them.

If you get a speaking engagement and you’re one of the people who say “No” because you don’t think you’re worthy of it or you’ll do a good job, please know we’re here to help you soar on the mic.

You deserve to feel that true, deep confidence. Don’t say “No” to yourself ❤️

P.S. If you’re feeling called to rule the mic, nourish your Public Speaking prowess, and own the moment, consider our Women’s Spring Cohort coming up next week. You’ll walk away understanding how to differentiate yourself, draw an audience in with your delivery, and deeply engage any size group with confidence and impact. Book a Clarity Call now – let’s chat 🙂


Much Love,

Misty Megia
Hi, I'm Misty Megia!

I’m a Creative Director for high-achieving leaders who want to unmute themselves to give presentations that move people profoundly through my Corporate Speaking Program and my Theatre of Public Speaking Program.

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