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Channeling Time Blocking To Build Your Speech!


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I’m not sure about you, but with the beautiful summertime shine right outside my window, it can sometimes be difficult to focus on my work. In this season of extra warmth and sunlight, it becomes especially important for me to block my time into quadrants.

As thought leader and productivity coach Donna McGeorge explains, “Human beings have circadian rhythms. We were designed for mental alertness in the morning and physical dexterity in the afternoon. That’s just how the body clock works.”

McGeorge urges us to split up our day into 4 quadrants to maximize our energy and productivity. The first 2 hours of the day, for example, should focus on the tasks that require the most brainpower. Though many people start their day with emails, this means answering only your most urgent emails in the morning and leaving the rest for later in your work day. See my post for the best type of work to execute during each part of your day!

Here’s how to apply it to building out your presentation:

1st Quadrant – Crafting the words of the presentation or building your digital story in your deck both take deep thinking and the brainpower the AM shift is known for.

2nd Quadrant – Work with your teams to brainstorm data and 3rd party information to leverage in your presentation. Bring in all of the ideas so you can curate later!

3rd Quadrant – Watch one of your 10-15 minute videos in your Theatre of Public Speaking program to remind yourself of a specific strategy you may want to implement. This is a good time to absorb information vs. any output.

4th Quadrant – Review your workback plan for your presentation and make a list of your to-dos to achieve for tomorrow.

As recommended by the science of time blocking, it’s important to go with your natural flow of energy so you don’t feel you are fighting to achieve something!

Did you notice the 3rd quadrant was watching a video from our Theatre of Public Speaking program 😉 Well, if you are not part of this stellar group of women, here’s your reminder to sign up! And if you sign up by July 22nd, you’ll get a free deck remodel with me! Warning: I get nerdy on this stuff!

Anyways, I hope you have a beautiful week and that summertime glow treats you well! But isn’t too distracting 😉


Much Love,

Misty Megia
Hi, I'm Misty Megia!

I’m a Creative Director for high-achieving leaders who want to unmute themselves to give presentations that move people profoundly through my Corporate Speaking Program and my Theatre of Public Speaking Program.

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