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Why Your Marketing Team Needs the Calendar Tool CoSchedule


When we started the Theater of Marketing, we knew that we wanted to set ourselves up for success from the beginning.  That meant right from the gate, we needed a surefire way to keep ourselves on task, focused and with a great process in place to push out content and get our site running smoothly.  That meant we needed technology.  We reviewed our options and CoSchedule was the best one to meet our needs.  And because it offers such a great option for content writers of any team size, we wanted to give you the details on why we chose it (and why we absolutely recommend it.)
[Tweet “Starting a business? Set yourselves up for success from the beginning. @theaterofmktg”]

Why did you choose CoSchedule?

When reviewing different ways to organize an editorial calendar there were a lot of manual options out there. The idea of doing a calendar in Excel just made me cringe. I thought it might be doable in Smartsheet or Basecamp, which covered the task side.  The tipping point for me was that I am a very visual person and the thought of being able to see my posts laid out in a calendar format.


My deadlines and integrate with all of my social media and WordPress. Love it!

It also offers a really great avenue for collaboration. Working together, building content together, we needed something that was easy to work with, easy to share tasks and responsibilities. We also LOVED the fact that we could invite guest bloggers to participate in our calendar, without needing to give them full access to the WordPress site.

I’ve managed a multi-person blog before and it can be a lot of work.  Making sure content is scheduled, posts are submitted.  With the Guest Blogger feature, we can use the same task templates and tools we use for ourselves to keep our guests on track.  We were looking for something that had scale potential, and this tool fits the bill.

[Tweet “@CoSchedule offers a really great avenue for collaboration. @theaterofmktg”]

What plan did you choose and why was this the right plan for your needs?

For Theater of Marketing, we use the robust Team Marketing Plan. Their list of features is pretty clear on their site, but it’s the execution of how you use the calendars that really showcases the differences. I use the solo bloggers plan for another calendar on a different website, and I highly recommend that option for individual bloggers who want to improve their blogging productivity and spend less time managing their promotional output of their content.

But when you want to collaborate with a team member, you need more than that. You need to be able to brainstorm topics, see your editorial calendar on hand. We write many of our articles together, so CoSchedule allows us to build our posts, work with each other and really be a more effective, connected team.

What is your favorite feature?

My favorite feature is being able to schedule out all of my social media marketing for each post. I can schedule day-of social media on multiple accounts for multiple team members, then next day, month out, two months out etc.screen2

Then I can look at the metrics of the social engagement and see the top posts with the most social media buzz and push those out again. I appreciate metrics that help me do more intelligent marketing and leave out room for error.

My favorite feature? Hmm… I love that it has a sidebar where we can place content we haven’t yet scheduled.  This proves really useful as a placeholder for topics you know you want to date, err write about, but that you aren’t quite ready to book Friday night for.  And truly, my favorite aspect of CoSchedule is more the benefit from using it.  CoSchedule makes me actually do the work, on time, in a timely manner. It keeps me focused. It also makes me set deadlines.screen4

How does the social media integration help your time management needs?

The ability to set up social posts far into the future when you create the post is hugely invaluable and a tremendous time saver.  Your content, when its evergreen, can be the gift that constantly gives, but you have to set it up to do so.  I have written posts that at the beginning of a year and then set up social media posts that push that already written content out the following month, in six months, next year if I want. I don’t have to think about that post in another month, much less next year, because it’s already scheduled and CoSchedule will push it out automatically.  And each time those messages push out later in the year, I see interaction from them. This makes your content work harder, while you don’t have to.Also, I think just having the tasks to keep you focused on the content that is due next.


With the schedule populating my tasks based on what post is scheduled next, it makes it simple to know what to write about next, what to do next.  Because you were organized putting things on the CoSchedule calendar, it saves a lot of brain power when it comes to actually creating the content.

I know it’s redundant as I already spoke about the social media portion being my favorite piece, but it truly saves me time that is beyond valuable. The fact that we can write a post, schedule all of the social media for myself, Jeannie and our tToM accounts means that I only need to work in one app. Writing the blog article then figuring out the entire social media dissemination plan is key to me. I love my tech tools however when I have a tool that combines the tasks of my other tools this brings me joy.

[Tweet “@CoSchedule truly saves me time that is beyond valuable. @theaterofmktg”]

It has quite a few integrations, is there any one in particular you find useful?

In the Team Marketing plan, you also get the Evernote connection.  I’m an avid Evernote user, especially when it comes to clipping and saving articles around the web that I find.  So with the ability to connect Evernote notebooks right into the calendar, I can access those articles with ease. If I’m looking to curate from one of those articles, I can move it onto the schedule and go from there.



If you weren’t using CoSchedule what would you be doing?

If we weren’t using co schedule I would be crying… Okay maybe not crying. I would most likely be using a combination of Buffer, SmartSheet and Basecamp. So it definitely cuts down my product usage.
If we weren’t using CoSchedule, we’d probably be writing a lot less on our blog. LOL It connects so many of the needed pieces for us that we are able to commit to more content, which in the end, provides more value for the people visiting our site.

If you could change one thing about CoSchedule what would it be?

I would like to see the ability to go to the next month at the bottom of the page so I don’t have to scroll to the top every time I want to advance. Also would love the content/Wordpress/Evernote side bar to scroll with me.
I would like to see a more robust search option. While I LOVE the calendar view, it is JUST a calendar view. And while it does have a search option:
that search is limited. It can find words in the title, but it can’t search by tags or categories. While I know I go over to WordPress to do that, that only works for actual WordPress posts. We use the “Content” feature often. So having a list view of content to skim through would be great.I’d also be interested in seeing the tasks functions be a little more robust. For me, CoSchedule doesn’t replace the need for a project/task manager like Basecamp because tasks are specifically focused on tasks per scheduled piece of content. So if you are doing more than that, you’ll still need something else to manage the fuller scope of your work.

Does CoSchedule help when you’re working with multiple blogs?

Yes, absolutely! One thing about CoSchedule is that you can see the multiple calendars you are connected to in one easy interface on their app. It makes it very easy to manage.


Who would you recommend co-schedule to?
Anyone who wants to push content out on their site, to start. If you have a blog, this tool will help you.

[Tweet “If you have a blog, this tool will help you. @Coschedule @theaterofmktg”]

It will also help marketing teams who may not have WordPress blogs —you can have CoSchedule as a calendar for all your marketing content. It makes a great production calendar, and seeing what’s due and when.

There are price points that are very reasonable for every level and you can select based on the features that most matter to you.

Looking for more information? Get the latest at their website or you can check out their overview video

[pexvimeo pex_attr_src=”″][/pexvimeo]

or here is a quick 2 minutes video showing you some additional great features:

Lastly here is our referral link if you are just as hooked as we are!

Misty Megia
Hi, I'm Misty Megia!

I’m a Creative Director for high-achieving leaders who want to unmute themselves to give presentations that move people profoundly through my Corporate Speaking Program and my Theatre of Public Speaking Program.

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