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Which Part of Your Brain is Setting Goals?

We often negate our subconscious as a small portion of our thoughts that are out of our control. According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, our subconscious actually makes up 95% of our brain activity. 95%! 95% of your decisions, feelings, perspectives exist in your subconscious.
Through our conversations with a lot of you, and with December sneaking up on us, we know 2025 Planning is well underway! As you plan for your life, your business, and your own growth in 2025, I want to make sure you aren’t making those plans with blinders on.
Are you setting goals that align with your true potential? On a subconscious level, are you goal-setting from a place of fear?
Often what holds us back from setting goals we’re actually worthy of is… ourselves. Research shows our view of ourselves informs our view of our capabilities. This means our deeper, underlying understanding of our self-worth informs the goals we think we’re capable of (or not capable of).
What opportunities, learnings, or pathways are you saying “No” to out of strategy and what are you saying “No” to because a part of you doesn’t yet realize you’re worthy of the investment in yourself?
We talk a lot about speaking here in our newsletters, but we’d like to show you a speaker whose message is one worth hearing as we peak into 2025. Take a watch here.
Now that you’ve watched it, I have to ask: Which chair are you currently sitting in as you set those goals?
Which chair do you want to be in? It is from that perspective your goals should be set.
When we say what is your DREAM for 2025, we’re not talking about things that are impossible. We’re talking about what BECOMES possible when you remove those blinders, when you remove the ceiling on your potential.
That’s why we love what we do because we get to show you how worthy you are of your goals. Whether we’re 1:1 with you, in a group call, or at our Advanced Speaker Retreat, we are here to help you say “Yes” to yourself. Because there are enough people who will say “No” to you – that’s inevitable. But don’t be the first to say “No” to yourself.
P.S. If you want to hear another powerful message, take a look here.
Much Love,

Hi, I'm Misty Megia!
I’m a Creative Director for high-achieving leaders who want to unmute themselves to give presentations that move people profoundly through my Corporate Speaking Program and my Theatre of Public Speaking Program.
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10 mistakes
even seasoned presenters make!

With Me
Corporate Speaking Program
Your team’s success depends on their ability to speak with clarity. Give them the tools to meet the moment with professionalism.
Theatre of Public Speaking Program
Take my 6-week on-demand course with live group coaching to deliver big messages that motivate and inspire.