Presentation Tips: What You Need To Think Before You Speak

Presentation is everything. From the moment you enter an event until the moment you leave. When you are hired for an in person appearence it matters just as much what you say on stage as what you do off stage. When you are presenting yourself at a conference here are some cardinal rules to live…

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The Only Way To Win Over Your Audience as a Speaker

I have been speaking in front of audiences that I love for over 20 years. I started out with presentations—mostly technical training on products.  I developed marketing training that won awards (my boss and I would dress up in medical uniforms and do a joint presentation of how to bring back your company’s retail health…

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Easy Speaking Tips to Reach Every Audience Member, Part 3

We are on the 3rd and final piece of learning how to reach all seven different learning styles when you are presenting.  If you haven’t read the first and second articles, definitely check them out so you can wow the audiences with your incredible bad self. The last two learning styles that we are going…

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Easy Speaking Tips To Reach Every Audience Member Part 2

Imagine if you could bring value to every person in a room when you are doing a presentation. It would be incredible. Each person leaves with a sense of direction completely feeling like they understood you, and can translate into into how to take action on what you said.  They feel fulfilled. Time well spent.…

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